Teacher 1 I/C: Mdm Suriyah
Teacher 2 I/C: Mr John Tan
CCAs provide students with a platform to discover their interests and talents, and progressively develop CCA-specific knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. CCAs also offer excellent platforms for students to develop character, learn values and develop social-emotional competencies. It is a common space for social interaction and the formation of friendships amongst students of diverse backgrounds.
In certain circumstances, schools may consider inter-school partnerships through leveraging on common a CCA to share resources due to dwindling enrolment.
In 2023, Gan Eng Seng Primary School embarked on this collaboration with River Valley Primary School. Our 2023 GESP/RV programme was designed to allow meaningful interactions amongst players from our two schools, the objective was to facilitate students from both schools to get to know each other, train together, experience challenges and overcome them together. The coaches and teachers in charge facilitated pre- and post-activities to guide learning so that the combined experiences would achieve the intended objective of positive interaction. This year, our seniors formed 2 teams with River Valley Primary School. They have completed the matches and have enjoyed the experience.