(A) Student Admission
Returning Singaporeans
Q1: What does MOE mean by ‘Returning Singaporean children’?
Returning Singaporean children are Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents children who are:
- going overseas to live and study;
- currently living and studying overseas; or
- returning home having lived and studied overseas.
Q2: Is there a timeframe for school admission for Returning Singaporean?
Parents of Returning Singaporean children may admit their child to primary schools at any time during the year. However, parents are encouraged to seek admission in the first half of the year, as the school year is from January to November each year.
Q3: What are the options for school admission for Returning Singaporean?
In recognition of the different needs of Returning Singaporeans, MOE has provided several options for school admission. Returning Singaporeans can choose one or more options based on their individual needs.
i. P1 Registration - If your child is due to enter Primary One, you are encouraged to register your child while abroad during the Primary One Registration Exercise (usually held from July to September in the preceding year). Upon obtaining a place and you are still not due to return to Singapore in time for your child to start Primary One, you can apply to keep the place for your child under the Leave of Absence (LOA) Scheme at the registered school.
ii. Apply directly to your preferred schools - Returning Singaporeans may approach schools directly to seek admission. Generally, you may do so throughout the year, subject to school operations and/or examination periods.
iii. Approach MOE for assistance
Leave of Absence
Q1: What is Leave of Absence (LOA)?
In support of Singapore’s internationalisation efforts, MOE has implemented a Leave of Absence (LOA) Scheme to facilitate the re-admission of children who accompany their parents on overseas postings upon their return. If your child is granted LOA, he/she will continue to be registered as a student of the school. Upon your return, your child can then be re-admitted to his/her former school directly. More details can be found on MOE’s website: Overview of school admissions for Returning Singaporeans | MOE
(B) Finance Matters
School and Miscellaneous Fees
Q1: What are the current fees payable?
The school and miscellaneous fees payable by students in 2018 are shown in the table below:
Nationality | Monthly School Fee (S$) | Monthly Misc Fee (S$) | Monthly Total Fee (S$) |
Singapore citizen | Free | 13 | 13 |
Singapore PR | 155 | 13 | 16 |
IS (ASEAN) | 415 | 13 | 428 |
IS (Non-ASEAN) | 650 | 13 | 663 |
Q2: How can I make payment for my child’s fees?
You can pay the fees through the following ways:
i. GIRO Scheme
ii. Pay via AXS
iii. Pay at your child’s school (cash, cheque or cashier’s order)
iv. Pay at MOE’s Customer Service Centre (cash, cheque or NETS)
v. Send a cheque payable to “Ministry Of Education” to the following address:
Ministry of Education, Finance & Procurement Division, Casher’s Unit,
1 North Buona Vista Drive, MOE Building,
Singapore 138675
Please write the student’s name, NRIC number and school name on the reverse side of the cheque.
Q3: Why is there no bill for school and miscellaneous fees for January?
Due to transfer of schools and new admissions, the students’ information in MOE’s system is still being updated in January. Hence, January’s fees are computed on 31 January and billed together with February’s fees.
Q4: Why are December’s fees included in November’s bill for cash-paying students?
December’s fees are included in November’s bill because of the December school holidays.
Edusave Contributions
Q1: Who is eligible for Edusave contribution?
All Singaporean children who are enrolled in MOE-funded schools will be given an Edusave account and receive an annual Edusave contribution.
Q2: How much Edusave contribution will my child receive?
Each student receives an annual Edusave contribution of $200 at primary level and $240 at secondary level.
As announced at Budget 2018, the annual Edusave contribution rates will be increased to $230 for primary-level students and $290 for secondary-level students from January 2019.
Q3: How do I check the balance in my child’s Edusave Account?
Parents can call MOE’s 24-hour automated Edusave/Post-Secondary Education Account hotline at 62600777 to check your child’s account balance.
Q4: What can I use the Edusave funds for?
Students can use the Edusave funds for enrichment programmes organised by the school. In addition, the funds can also be used to pay 2nd-tier miscellaneous fees and autonomous schools’ miscellaneous fees (applicable only for students in government or government-aided schools).
Q5: What will happen if my child withdraw from a programme paid by Edusave?
Schools may process a refund to the child’s Edusave account if there is legitimate reason for the withdrawal (e.g. due to medical reasons). For students who withdraw from the programme at the last minute or are absent without a valid reason, there is strictly no refund.